One works hard to obtain sobriety, and it comes with many benefits. It brings peace, mental and bodily well-being and healthy relationships, which lead to a genuinely fulfilling life. However, maintaining sobriety is challenging since the threat of relapse lurks in their daily lives. As you try to maintain sobriety, you can use some sobriety quotes that will motivate you and remind you that you are on the right track.

Sometimes sober recovery may sound impossible to you, or you may question whether getting sober is worth the effort. But no matter where you are in life or whether you have experienced relapse, achieving sobriety is possible and brings a wealth of positives for you and those around you. The following sobriety quotes will encourage you to stay focused.
Inspirational sobriety quotes
Dealing with addiction is undoubtedly challenging, so you should not take sobriety lightly. These words of encouragement will help you on your recovery journey.

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- Your addiction is not your identity, but you won't know that until you're in recovery; that's when the two separate. – Toni Sorenson
- I personally believe this: We have only today: yesterday's gone, and tomorrow is uncertain. That's why they call it the present. And sobriety is a gift for those willing to receive it.
- Getting sober is a radically creative act. – Meredith Bell
- I chose sober because I wanted a better life. I stay sober because I got one.
- When you quit drinking, you stop waiting.
- Think of recovery as Double D's: deciding and doing. Deciding to recover is only a mindset. Doing the recovery is a real miracle. – Toni Sorenson
- The cool thing about sobriety is that it forces you to learn what you like and don’t like.
- Being sober delivered almost everything drinking promised. – Anne Lamott, Hallelujah
- Somebody once asked me how I define sobriety, and my response was liberation from dependence. – Leslie Jamison, The Gin Closet
- Strength of mind rests in sobriety, for this keeps your reason unclouded by passion. – Pythagoras
- The goal isn't to be sober. The goal is to love yourself so much that you don't have to drink.
- The road to sobriety is not easy, and rehabilitation and the recovery process are not to be taken lightly. – Prew Pinsky
- I've been sober now for a couple of years, and I'm taking my sobriety very seriously - one day at a time, and I am moving forward in my career. – Daniel Baldwin
- If you can quit for a day, you can quit for a lifetime. – Benjamin Alire Saenz
- My recovery must come first so that everything I love in life does not have to come last.

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Funny sober quotes

Helping someone you care about recover from addiction can seem daunting. Here are some hilarious sober quotes that will help your loved ones as they deal with addiction.
- They say getting sober in AA is simple but not easy. Just like winning the lottery, I guess. – Dmitry Dyatlov
- Being sober on a bus is, like, totally different than being drunk on a bus. – Ozzy Osbourne
- Quitting smoking is easy. I've done it a hundred times. – Mark Twain
- I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning, I will be sober, and you will still be ugly. – Winston Churchill
- There is nothing wrong with sobriety in moderation. – John Ciardi
- I think sober is the new black. That's the cool thing now. I'm trying to make it the cool thing. – Ronnie Radke
- Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut. – Ernest Hemingway
- When you enable the addict, you nourish the disease.
- I was glad to be sober, but after ninety days, people weren't patting me on the back anymore, saying, good job on the sobriety! Go get em! –Chris Farley
- Kid sobriety's like a hard-on; the minute you get it, you want to fu*k with it. – David Foster Wallace
- Better to sleep with a sober cannibal than a drunk Christian.
- If you think sobriety is boring, you're not doing it right.

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Proud sober quotes

The first year of sobriety can be challenging. However, after a year of sobriety, most people report improved mental health, which makes them proud. Check out these "proud of your sobriety" quotes to remind you that you should be proud of yourself.
- Sobriety was the best gift I ever gave myself. – Rob Lowe
- Drunkards have a problem, not with sobriety but with reality. –Mokokoma Mokhonoana
- The ability to self-regulate to bring themselves into balance is key to emotional sobriety. – Tian Dayton
- And now I'm right back where I started. Sober and miserable. – Alyson Noel, Evermore
- My goal is to make something special and pure, and that keeps me going, keeps me busy on the path of sobriety. – Ariel Pink
- My mind may be sober, but my confidence is high! – Habeeb Akande
- In my life, I find that in sobriety, I feel much more. And I have much more depth. – Jeffrey Tambor
- The thing is, if I don't have sobriety, I don't have anything. – Matthew Perry
- I chose sober because I wanted a better life. I stay sober because I got one.
- In the end, addiction recovery all comes down to what the person does. Sobriety is a product of one's behaviour. – Nick Turner
- I don’t know your problems and struggles. I only know that you can and will beat them.
- Sobriety and health is the greatest thing. – Jeff Bridges
- The initial journey towards sobriety is a delicate balance between insight into one's desire for escape and abstinence from one's addiction. – Debra L. Kaplan
- Emotional sobriety also means that we have learned how to tolerate our intense emotions without acting out in dysfunctional ways, clamping down and foreclosing on our free world or self-medicating. – Tian Dayton
- Sometimes you’ve just got to give yourself what you wish someone else would give you. – Dr. Phil
- One thing I learned in sobriety is to stop being judgemental, to always be discerning. When I drive, that will be my bumper sticker. – Kevin Sessums

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Quotes about staying sober
Sobriety seems like a lot of hard work, boring, impossible and downright miserable. Here are quotes about getting sober that will help in keeping yourself positive.
- People still question my sobriety and my commitment to the program and that hurts. I take things day by day, and sometimes I take them minute by minute, but I honour my commitment to stay sober. – Tom Arnold
- Sometimes we motivate ourselves by thinking of what we want to become. Sometimes we motivate ourselves by thinking about who we don't ever want to be again. – Shane Niemeyer
- Addiction is just a way of trying to get at something else. Something bigger. Call it transcendence if you want, but it's a rat in a maze. We all want the same thing. We all have this hole. The thing you want offers relief, but it's a trap. – Tess Callahan
- Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.– Carl Bard
- You don't get over an addiction by stopping using. You recover by creating a new life where it is easier not to use. If you don't create a new life, all the factors that brought you to your addiction will catch up with you again.
- Character cannot be developed with ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. – Helen Keller
- If you want more from life, a hangover is a waste of time.
- The mentality and behaviour of dr*g addicts and alcoholics are wholly irrational until you understand that they are completely powerless over their addiction. Unless they have structured help, they have no hope. –Russell Brand.
- I got sober. I stopped killing myself with alcohol. I began to think: wait a minute, if I can stop doing this, what are the possibilities? And slowly, it dawned on me that it may be worth the risk.– Crag Ferguson

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Sobriety quotes for friends

Finding happiness in sobriety is a process that takes time but is achievable with the proper daily support, priorities and commitments. Check out some sobriety quotes to support your friends in achieving sobriety.

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Sobriety quotes from celebrities

Many world-renowned celebrities have battled addiction and overcome it. These celebs have continued to find success in their industries. Why not you?
- Recovery is something you have to work on every single day, and it's something that doesn't get a day off. – Demi Lovato
- Don't pick up a drink or drug, one day at a time. It sounds so simple. It actually is simple, but it isn't easy. It requires incredible support and fastidious structuring. – Russell Brand
- Sometimes you can only find heaven by slowly backing away from hell. – Carrie Fisher
- We can talk ourselves into death, or we can talk ourselves into the best life we've ever lived. – Anthony Hopkins
- Ya think that the whiskey tastes good? Try a big cup of sobriety-now that is the good stuff! – Steven Tyler
- I started going to a psychiatrist, started taking medic*tion, talk therapy. And it helped. And now I'm a reasonably happy person. – Rob Delaney
- Getting sober just exploded my life. Now I have a much clearer sense of myself and what I can and can't do. I am more successful than I have ever been. – Jamie Lee Curtis
- I'm not weak; I'm actually strong. I've proven to myself that I'm capable of change. – Drew Barrymore
- Not drinking makes me a lot happier. – Naomi Campbell
- I have other obligations now-the show, my family, my life though I know that without my sobriety, I wouldn't have any of those things. – Rob Lowe
- Asking for help is really the beginning of any sort of recovery process. – Marc Maron
- The thing is, if I don't have sobriety, I don't have anything. – Matthew Perry
- The thing that I’m most proud of in my life is that if a stranger came up to me and said ‘I can’t stop drinking. Can you help me?’ I can say ‘Yes I can help you. – Matthew Perry

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Sobriety makes your life healthier, more fulfilling and more fun. While it's not easy to stop drinking or using dr*gs, especially if you're battling addiction, the decision to get sober will change your life forever; therefore, consider committing to sobriety today. The above sobriety quotes are part of the tools you need.
READ ALSO: 100+ heart-touching true love quotes to send your partner recently published an article about 100+ heart-touching true love quotes to send to your partner. True love is one of the greatest feelings in the world. You may want to tell your partner how much you love them, but words are not enough. True love quotes will help you to convey your sentiments.
Love is an intense feeling of deep affection. When you meet your true love, you want to spice up your relationship and try to be romantic with them. Sometimes plain words do not cut it, which is where heart-touching quotes come in.